gtag('config', 'UA-158773523-1'); Why Self-Improvement is Important

Why Self-Improvement is Important

Why Self-Improvement is Important

Why Self-Improvement is Important - Seeklo

Do you feel anxious and upset for no reason? Do you feel unloved and in-secured? Do you tired of meeting people around you? Do you ever feel self-disparage yourself? Um, it's the game of life. You're a captain of your soul. You are sitting on driving seat and leading life with yourself. Only yourself ! No one is responsible of your life. 

You're amazing. Move on. It's time to love yourself first. Now, take a breath and decide for fresh start... 

Life is too short. It's worthless to worry at any moment. It will remain bring up and down situations in your life. We are human. we can feel down several times. Sometimes, we feel sad other time we feel happy. Sometimes, we are unloved and broken other time we are loved and living with laughter. It's up to you how do you put an effort to make your living comfortable and peaceful.

Sighs ! all right ! whatever happens, happened. It natural process. We all have to experience and taste different chapters of life and learn from it. Learning makes you stable, mature, ongoing, conscious and enable you to strongly take mental, physical and emotional challenges in every aspects of life.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. We do what our thoughts direct us to do. You're thinking 'how?' Right?

Because our thoughts are powerful. It directly affects us. It helps to manifest the life of what's your priority or draw you closer to what you think. Most people don't realise the power of thoughts that is the reason of their aimlessness and self-deprecating. For this cause, they feel bizarre and living a meaningless life. They go aimlessly. They don't know how to live or for what purpose they came in this planet.

Do you think? It's really you. Well ! It's good. Learn from previous mistakes and experiences you had been through. You learnt great things in life. Right now, decide to take action and oath for better life.

Why Self-Improvement is Important - Seeklo

Self-improvement is never ending journey. It's the key to success and better living. You should pull yourself out of comfort zone with thoughts of improvement and everyday promises.

Norman Vincent Peale,  renowned author for his concept of positive thinking, said that: 
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

It's indicate that, believe in yourself. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and practice positive affirmations each day. Don't sit empty, it will bother you. Looking up high. Do something amazing. Do what you love to do. Take the edge from the work that is killing your mental peace. Extract time from busy schedule. Sit in nature, the soul collects wisdom. Spent 20 mins for yourself and recall every positive things you learnt and take appropriate action. 

“When you change the way you think, you change the way you feel. When you change the way you feel, you change the way you act. When you change the way you act, you change your life.”

Why Self-Improvement is Important - Seeklo

Change is inevitable, but we have the capability to take charge and create positive change in our lives. Mental, Emotional and Physical falls into the category of self-improvement. So, start the new journey. Only 'you' is responsible for self-improvement. Life is about learning and growing, it's not easy at times.

Carry a better version of yourself. If you feed your mind correctly, you will have positive outlook of life. If you have a positive outlook of life, you will feel positive and happy for yourself. Who you were is more than ready to battle who your are trying to become. The battle has ever been only you against you !

Why Self-Improvement is Important - Seeklo

There's always room for self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven't been before. Paulo Coelho quoted:
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too."

Change is a challenge. If you want change, you have to make a change or else nothing is going to change. Change is painful but change is pleasurable. You must shift your negative addiction into positive alternatives.

Condoleezza Rice, one of the first African American women, said:
"It doesn't matter where you came from, a matter's only where you're going."

It takes conscious effort in the start and then it becomes a habit. (BRAIN REWIRED!) Keep moving. Time doesn't stop neither should you. Self-improvement will start and end with you no matter how much hard it is to be. Have faith and just start yourself !

I hope this blog post helped you and gave you some perspective. looking forward for bringing some life changing matter for you :)