gtag('config', 'UA-158773523-1'); How to keep yourself actively alive !

How to keep yourself actively alive !

How to keep yourself actively alive !

Food is what people and animal eat to survive. Food is culture. Food is life. Yes, it's important for every living beings for being alive. Food is meant for human's existence. Without food, we die. Food provides nutrients and energy for growth, repair the body and keep the immune system healthy. 

How to keep yourself actively alive !
7 essential nutrients

Ah... ! We are blessed with different food such as plant based, animal based and ground based, all these foods consist of nourishing and nutritive components such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, proteins, magnesium, dietary fiber and water.

How to keep yourself actively alive !

By the way, we all already know about every food and their benefits. But eating balance food is must for not everyone know it. Balanced food means living balanced life. 

How to keep yourself actively alive !

Life is too short to enjoy, so we should eat every single food and try different flavors with no regrets. wink ! Why should we regret? For what? Food is life actually. Food spreads love. Good food boosts energy and make mood happy. Good food means good mood. Good mood makes good vibes.

How to keep yourself actively alive !

Most people skip food because of fear of being fat. In reality, food doesn't obese people if they pull their hand from food nearly reaching to 80% of fulling stomach up, before reaching to 100% (obesity is promised at this condition). Make sure, you have to take right amount of food at the right time of hunger. Unexceptionally, don't take food when you are not in the mood of eating.

Genuinely, half decade of my life, i come to know that our body need 7 major nutrients ( which is carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, minerals proteins, vitamins and water) everyday. You should have these 7 nutrients 2 to 3 times in a day. It's guaranteed of perfect body tone. Getting a balanced diet means providing enough nutrients to the body needs for perfect and balanced health. A balanced diet consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean protein, dairy and healthy fats.

You all know the above facts of food so long but less people know about the amount of calorie to consume. For example if you are eating whole grain bread, take eggs, milk, or vegetables along with. Take pulses, lean protein chicken, meat, vegetables, salads if you are having rice.

How to keep yourself actively alive !

Human body needs 80% amount of food calorie to be fullest. I know, every men and women want to see themselves in perfect position of body. Again, i mean perfect and healthy not weak. This is a secret for you to get fit in. let's go ahead !

The major and the most nutritious source of body is water. Water doesn't allow the body to keep the excessive fat or grease. All these fats become melt and waste from anus. Take 8 to 10 glasses of water from sunrise to sunset. Don't take much water at night.. Furthermore, take 3 to 4 glasses of water after getting up from bed. Do exercise (stretching) daily, hit gym 3 to 4 times in a week (if you stretch daily so don't need to hit gym). 

How to keep yourself actively alive !
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar."

Start your day with healthy breakfast (like eggs, milk, nuts, cereals and paratha with clarified butter) making sure you feel 90% full. Never skip breakfast at any cost. Because our organ's need fuel and energy to run the body. Organ lost fuel and energy overnight. It's important to have healthy breakfast for fresh start.

Likely, when we talk about lunch, take 2 glasses of water 30 minutes before eating lunch. Prefer rice or rotis along with meat, chicken, pulses or vegetables. The 80% amount of diet should be taken in lunch. 

At dinner, 50% to 40% amount of diet should be taken 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Always prefer light dinner like soups, fish, salads and vegetables. 

Take remaining water during mid morning and mid evening.
Fruits contain high-calorie. So, avoid to eat fruit during meal time. Take 1 or 2 fruit as a snack or at the time of dizziness, weakness and dehydration.
Fruit works best in light appetite and have it during mid morning and mid evening.

How to keep yourself actively alive !

Cook food with love. Cook good food for yourself and your family. Believe me it will give eternal joy and create a memorable one.