gtag('config', 'UA-158773523-1'); How to be Independent and Successful in life?

How to be Independent and Successful in life?

Education - Seeklo

Life starts with you and will be end with you. From now, learn to be independent. Be independent everywhere. Keeping in mind that no one is responsible for your happiness and sadness. So, don't be dependent on anyone else. Don't let anyone control you.

You are your own boss and your own cheerleader. Be independent, be your own person.

Start your day with some positive thoughts. Positive and good thoughts practicing in the morning help you out to grow better, live better.

Here is positive to do list to do every morning when you have awaken. 

I am Starting over:

  • A new pattern of thoughts
  • A new wave of emotions
  • A new connection to the world
  • A new belief system in myself

Following above all, you will be grateful to be determined, focused and successful at the end of the day when you're preparing to sleep peacefully. Now, you have to be independent, it builds character.

Education - Seeklo

Life is all about perspective. Don't like the view? change it! .Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.

Uninterruptedly think of renewal in order to renew ourselves and to make new life we live in. De -cluttering your living space, start new day with good intentions and plans, new schedule and resolutions.

Education - Seeklo

Take better care yourself. Changing one's self starts with begin something new. Explore the bright sides in your life and learn something everyday in order to polish your personality and inner self. 

Clear out your mental and emotional clutter. Allow yourself to let go of the things that break you or hurt you. Make new room for positivity and new things to enter in your life. 

One of the favorite quotes to read everyday is like magic happens to our soul. Here is most beautiful lines:

“. . . put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and . . .be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and . . . put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”  Ephesians

Re-evaluate yourself, to be able to put on your new self, renew mind, new discipline will ensure that you brought mindfulness into your life.

At the end, this fold right perspective will help you day in day out..

1. Always remember, It was not your fault
2. Realise that You are brave soul
3. Your heart is beautiful
4. Realise that your mind has amazing power to reject burdens & to explore best of life
5. You are the best master of your mind & so can become best manager of your emotions too
6. Use effective tools of yoga & meditations regularly
7. Read lot of good books, listen to classical music, meeting manyold, wise & good people talk to them, play with children, prepare good food for them & help to solve their problems wisely.

Never, Never, Never Give Up, Be Silent & Kind Warrior.