gtag('config', 'UA-158773523-1'); HOW TO DEAL WITH DEHYDRATION IN THE SUMMER?


Summer is the warmest season of the year, from June to August, the earliest sunrise and the latest sunset occurs, the day are longest and the night are shortest.


Summer creates long lasting activities for plants and animals. It helps nature to survive, crops to grow and then give better harvest later. Thunderstorm and rains beautify nature after experiencing long hottest days and high humidity.


Human body senses every seasonal changes and also bring changes within the body. In the Summer, due to extreme warm and high humidity, nutrients get absorb and fluid get loss from excessive sweating. As a result, the skin and body of the plants, animals and human become dehydrated. It may sometimes causes diarrhea and vomiting.


Water is the major solution to beat the heat in the Summer. It increases fluid in the body (Fluid is liquid or plasma which flows easily within the human body). Water prevents us from dehydration and keeps the body and skin much fresh and hydrated. It also fights with dehydration and keeps the blood pressure normal.

We are definitely blessed with so many summery seasonal fruits and vegetables in order to beat heat and dehydration. Most of the summer fruits and vegetables are water based. This helps our body to stay fresh, glow and hydrate.


In the Summer season, everyone experience excessive sweat production. As a result, human body is lacking electrolytes through sweating. Electrolytes are minerals within the body that contain electric charge. They are exist in our blood, urine and tissue and other body fluids.


Drinking nutrients rich liquid or enough water help the body to balance theirs pH level. Milk is also part of electrolytes which increases fluid in the body and prevents from calcium, protein, potassium and sodium loss. Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium are major electrolytes rich nutrients. This all provide a healthy combination of protein and carbs..

Best food to replenish electrolytes are Dairy (Milk and Yogurt), Banana, Coconut water, Watermelon and Avocado.. These five kinda electrolytes rich foods hydrate both the body and skin, gain multiple nutrients, boost the immunity system and improve heart, brain, muscles and nervous system function.

In this content, it's all about how to combat dehydration during Summer. Along with the body, our skin is also thirst and dehydrate in the summer too. Skin looks dark and dull due to extremely sweat, sun exposure and heat. Taking care of skin is must for looking clean up. This is important to keep skin hydrated, flushed toxins out from the body and maintain pH level balanced.


Exfoliate is the great way to get rid of dehydrated dull skin, sun tan, body odour, sweaty skin and dead cell. Start your day with exfoliation (keeping in mind that exfoliation materials should be smooth and powdery form instead of beads). Harsh exfoliation is very harmful for skin and it damages new skin cell as well. Bath sponge is the best exfoliation for summer season. Take bath daily with bath sponge when you wake up and again before going to sleep. That will keep your body fresh, hydrate and odour free. Use fuller earth clay (also known as Multani Mitti) three times in a week for face and body scrubbing. You will feel great and lighter after using it. Fuller earth clay had become use in an ancient period for bathing. There were no concept of spa, body wash and body detoxifying at that time. They had to used this clay to remove impurities and odour from head to toe.

Try it ! Hope you will feel great. If your skin getting dry, use small amount of light moisturiser.

Generally, sometimes we only focus on cleaning outer surface of the body and skin. Did you know, 60% of impurities build up inside the human body which reflect on outer part of our skin. Bacteria and toxins inside our body are the reason of body odour when our body flush sweat out. Sweat by itself doesn't smell but it's the bacteria that live in our skin creates stinky smell through glands. It's crucial to take care of inside body as well.

Summer increase sweat production. So wear light and loose cloth for not letting so much sweat dehydrate you. Light and loose clothes are helpful in absorbing sweat and sweat then evaporates easily from it. Sip some water and try to take some air when you feel dehydrate after sweating. It will manage and balance body temperature.

Drink 2 to 2.5 litre water. Water flush toxins and impurities by urine. When you feel great from inside, it means you are hydrated and your pH level is balanced.

Body loses and absorbs a lot of moisture and nutrients during summer. Because of it, dehydration occurs. At that condition, take Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin D daily. Wear loose clothes, eat light meal for staying healthy, take cool bath when you are free from indoor or outdoor works.

Take care of the necessary and stay hydrate in the summer :)